Money Back Guarantee Policy

30 Days Money Back Guarantee (only for US customers)
30 Days Money Back Guarantee

There's no risk trying our products. Our hassle-free Money Back Guarantee policy guarantees your satisfaction. If you are not satisfied with our products for any reason and you wish to return the product within 30 days of purchase, we'll refund your money with no questions asked.

Terms of Money Back Guarantee
100% Satisfaction

You must cancel your order within first 30 days of the purchase date. You should inform us by email at for return authorization number. You must return the unused portion of our products in good condition.  All returned item must be in the original packaging.

You are responsible for return shipping cost.  Product returned without a valid return authorization number will not be eligible for the 100% GuranteedMoney Back Guarantee. You are responsible for all / any charges whatsoever for returning the product. You are ONLY eligible for the credit of the amount paid for the purchase of product less shipping charges.

The Money Back Guarantee will not be issued if you fail to meet the above requirements. 

Note: See Return Policy for more information.

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