Green Coffee Beans Extract is a very useful nutritional food supplement obtained from Green Coffee Beans. The properties and benefits of Green Coffee Extract are generally the same, as that of Coffee Beans. The significant difference is the presence of higher concentration of CHLOROGENIC ACIDS, the active ingredient of very high potential in achieving WEIGHT LOSS, the need of the present day.
Our predecessors had used Coffee for centuries without being aware of the fact that it helps to LOOSE WEIGHT.
In fact the raw seeds of coffee plants, which are not roasted, are known as Green Coffee Beans. When the raw Green Coffee Beans are roasted at the optimum high temperature of about 550 degrees Fahrenheit, it obtains the brown colour and sheen, in addition to its characteristic alluring aroma and heart rendering flavour, as the oil from the core of the seeds seep out to the surface of the seeds. The highly beneficial Green Coffee Beans Extract is utilised as a premium constituent in nutritional food supplements, which are used mainly for WEIGHT LOSS.
The difference between Green Coffee and Brown Coffee is just the process of roasting. The Colour of the beans changes from Green to Brown, when the internal temperature reaches above 400 degrees Fahrenheit. The pathetic fact in this case is that the beneficial CHLOROGENIC ACIDS, naturally present in the Green Coffee Beans, are lost due to excess heat, resulting in the inability to induce LOSS OF WEIGHT.
The very interesting and rare fact about CHLOROGENIC ACIDS is that they contain 71 ANTI OXIDANT compounds, which have anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties also. Brown Coffee Beans gets the flavour at the cost of loss of nutritional values. Hence Green Coffee Beans is ofcourse the better option as a rich source of ANTI OXIDANTS.
A review in the reputed journal: "Gastro Enterology Research and Practice" illustrates that Green Coffee Extract is found to be very effective in LOWERING BODY WEIGHT more significantly.
Research on CHLOROGENIC ACIDS has led to the following conclusions
- Prevents the absorption of excess carbohydrates.
- Slows down the release of glucose in to the body.
- Boosts the process of body metabolism.
- Reduces cholesterol level.
- Regulates high blood pressure.
- Controls blood sugar levels.
- Enhances the natural energy levels.
- Provide high proportion of ANTI OXIDANTS.
Coffee is the substance, which has the highest concentration of CHLOROGENIC ACIDS, even though it is seen present in lower levels in apples, carrots, cherries, egg plant, pears, potatoes and tomatoes.
The natural source of Caffeine, the widely used classic stimulant, is Coffee, which improves concentration of mind and thoughts, enhances alertness and solely mobilises the fat stored in the body in to useful energy through increased metabolism. This phenomenon has the mutual benefit of not only REDUCTION OF BODY WEIGHT but also regaining the unutilised energy through depletion of fats deposited in the body.
Moreover, it has been concluded after extensive research that Green Coffee Extract is beneficial for Cardiac and Pancreatic health also, which is of great concern.
CHLOROGENIC ACIDS are found to have the following three vital constituents..
- 3 - Caffeoylquinic Acid.
- 4 - Caffeoylquinic Acid.
- 5 - Caffeoylquinic Acid.
Of these three constituents, the third one, 5 - Caffeoylquinic Acid is the most biologically active among them, in causing LOSS OF WEIGHT.
American Society for Nutrition had earlier in 2008 stated that CHLOROGENIC ACIDS from Green Coffee Extract are bio available in humans.
The molecular formula of CHLOROGENIC ACID is C16 H18 O9. CHLOROGENIC ACID is the major active ingredient in Green Coffee Beans Extract that induces LOSS OF WEIGHT.
Obesity is that life style disease, which has got victims all over the developed countries and CHLOROGENIC ACIDS present in the Green Coffee Extract is of utmost importance of proved efficacy in combating the malady.
Liver and Gall Bladder functions also are regulated by CHLOROGENIC ACIDS as a cholagogue of repute, which in turn promotes and induces WEIGHT LOSS.
A paper published in
Today's Dietitian, an authentic periodical in the field of Nutrition, by Christin L. Seher, MS, RD, LD (Vol. 16 No. 1 P. 15) highlights the potential benefits of CHLOROGENIC ACIDS, the highly potential ingredient of Green Coffee Extract, in successfully shedding EXCESS WEIGHT.
The efficacy and safety of Green Coffee Extract is supported by extensive clinical research done not only in USA but also in Europe and Asia, in the light of which, the number of contented consumers are increasing day by day.
The answer to those who seek a solution for OBESITY is definitely Green Coffee Beans Extract, which will induce WEIGHT LOSS.
Then the answer to those who are sceptical about it, is the ever increasing number of admirers of Green Coffee Beans Extract, all over the modern world.