Complementary Food In Ayurveda - Eat Healthy Food Live Better Life
The Complementary food in ayurveda has proved to be effective in treating various life threatening diseases.
Categorization of people
Ayurveda categorizes the people according to their mood, nature and personality. According to ayurveda, an individual who is quick, dry, cold is considered as air person or vata.
Complementary food in ayurveda for such individuals could be eggs, fish, almonds, coconut, pine nuts, meat, peanuts, pistachios, sesame seeds, sweet potatoes, beets, figs, honey dew, melons, mango, cumin, kidney beans, urad beans, oats, wheat, rye, rice and many others.
Ayurveda describes a person as pitta or fire person if he or she is sharp, fiery, hot and moist.
Complementary food in ayurveda could be butter, coconut, buttermilk, cottage cheese, ice-cream, bitter melon, flax seeds, spinach, cucumber, radish, pumpkin, squash, zucchinis, lychee, oranges, grapefruit, lime, rice, pomegranate, wheat, millets, oats and many others.
Steady, slow, soft, sweet natured, heavy people are often termed as kapha or earth and water persons.
Best suitable food for them could be walnuts, dried peas, honey, dates, fenugreek leaves, lentils, gram, egg plant, onions, mint, mustard greens, grapes, sour grapefruit, cinnamon, ginger powder, black pepper, fenugreek, millets buckwheat, pickles, red pepper, barley, corn, tea, coffee, rye, salt and others.
Migraine headaches - causes and ayurvedic remedies
Migraine headache is very common in individuals these days. Ayurveda is introducing various measures to prevent and cure them. Mind body constitution termed as tridosha in ayurveda is responsible for such disorders.
Ayurveda believes that the movement of pitta in cardiovascular system has an adverse impact on blood vessels of brain. Migraines are caused when these nerves are pressurized.
Ayurvedic advice is always helpful for patients. If you are suffering from small attacks in noon, you could take certain preventive measures like intake of one ripe banana in the morning. It is advisable to add tablespoon ghee for better results.
You could make a mixture with 5 parts of shatuvant, 4 parts of brahmi, 3 parts of jutamamsi and 3 parts of musta. This mixture need to be consumed at least twice a day with a small quantity of lukewarm water.
Aloe Vera gel and fennel are often termed as purgavities. These could be consumed for treating migraines.
Pitta is increased by the hot sun rays. Hence, a person suffering from migraines could stay away from sun. You could use umbrella or hat while moving under the sun.
Preventive measures
You can adopt various methods like gardening or walk on full moon night, which has proved effective.
Shira dhara is an ayurvedic term, which is often referred to hot oil head massage. It is very effective to fight against migraines.
Ayurvedic concepts are quite different from modern ones. The body revolves around the word prana. According to ayurveda, you could feel the presence of prana in air, but it is not similar to oxygen.
Ayurvedic beliefs clearly explain that prana could be carried through various sources like food, water and air.
You might have heard about elements in ayurveda namely earth, water, fire, air and ether. These elements are responsible for the functioning of human body.